No matter what the final score reads, you’ll always win when you let the finest sporting event limousine service take you out to the ball game.
Renting a comfortable limousine for a sporting event lets you talk stats pre-game and rehash the action post-game without the hassle of looking for a parking spot or designating a driver.
Fancy Limos will pick you up in NJ, NY or PA before your sporting event and ensure that your limousine has you through the gates and in your seat by the time the competition starts. After the final pitch or whistle, your NY - NJ sporting event limousine will be there to make sure you get home safely.
If you have a group headed to a New Jersey sporting event, the SUV or the Super Stretch Limousine are big enough for the whole roster and come with the added comfort. And since many of our New Jersey sporting event limousines includes extras like TV/DVD/VCR systems, CD Players, your team is sure to have a great time as you make your way to the big game.
Our New Jersey sporting event limousines are great no matter which team you’re rooting for – we’ll take you to the Meadowland, Yankee or Shea Stadium, Madison Square Garden or any Philadelphia arena. All you need to do is put on your jersey, pack a cooler, and your sporting event limousine service will take care of the rest.
Jersey Limousine now offers the free Stretch Limo ride, through our Reward Club.